Purpose: Communal Rosary recited to increase prayer and devotion to the Blessed Mother and for the conversion of sinners.
Ministry: Devotion to the Blessed Mother and her Son
When We Meet: 8 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday in Church.
Purpose: To enrich the worship experience of the Mass and other Christian gatherings through vocal music.
A growing choral ensemble that practices proper vocal techniques
under the direction of Jim Slike, the Choir Director/Cantor and Dawn Slike, Music Director.
When We Meet: Practice on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm after Mass ,or as scheduled.
Commissions and Ministries submit your bulletin announcements by e-mail to office @iccmadison.com or to the Parish Office in writing by 12:00pm on the Monday prior to the publication date.
Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Eucharistic Adoration begins Wednesday after the 8:30am Mass until 4:00pm. Please sign up for an hour; contact the Parish Office at (440) 428-5164.
Welcome to ICC!
If you wish to join our parish community, kindly register at the Parish Office.
You may also fill out form on the web site.
The OCIA is a process for fully initiating adults into the Catholic faith.
Those desiring to enter the Catholic Church are invited to attend. Catholics who wish to increase their understanding of the Catholic faith are invited also. All are welcome, bring a friend.
Contact the Parish Office at
Wednesdays 6 pm to 7:45 pm September through May.
Purpose: To provide services to the parish during Masses on weekends and Holy Days.
Ministry: Ushers greet everyone as they enter and leave the church, assist with seating, help with the offertory collection, assist with Communion traffic flow, and distribute bulletins.
When We Meet: Ushers serve at the same Mass each week and on Holy Days as needed.
Purpose: To assist the priest and deacons during the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical devotions.
Ministry: To serve at Sunday Masses and Holy Days of obligation, performing duties as directed by priests and deacons.
When: Training is scheduled as needed.
Purpose: To promote community growth through fellowship events within our Parish.
Ministry: We offer various activities throughout the year, including a Meager Meal, St. Joseph Table, Christmas for the Elderly, 55+ Valentine Lunch, and Friday Fellowship.
When We Meet: Last Monday of the Month, September through May, at 5:30 PM.
Purpose: To bring the consoling and healing love of Christ to members of our parish and community suffering from loss, illness, or pain.
Ministry: We provide bereavement programs for members of our parish and local community, offering support for those who have lost a loved one, including aftercare.
When We Meet: Sundays as scheduled for bereavement programs throughout the year.
Join Father Donnelly and interested parishioners on the First Saturday of each month for a Rosary for Life Pilgrimage to St. Andrew's Abbey. The sacrament of penance is offered at 8:30 AM, followed by Mass at 9:15 AM. After Mass, we gather before the abortuary on Shaker Blvd at 10:30 AM to pray the rosary.
Purpose: To help people in local communities who are in financial need.
Ministry: We provide material and financial relief along with spiritual support to local communities.
When We Meet: 1st Monday of the Month at 6:30 PM.
Purpose: To pray for priestly and religious vocations.
Ministry: Under the patronage of St. Theresa of Avila, we pray for vocations and facilitate devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
When We Meet: 1st Friday of the month to pray the Avila Rosary before Mass and the Avila prayers after Mass. Also, Mondays after Mass for Prayers for Priests. All are welcome.
Purpose: To establish a community of prayer and evangelization within the parish.
Ministry: To deepen adult faith through reflection on the Word of God and to form a community that seeks growth in faith and fellowship.
When We Meet: Celebrations of the Word on the first and third Tuesday after Mass, along with monthly convivences.
Purpose: To promote healing through prayer and the sacraments.
Ministry: We pray for the needs of our parish community and assist with the Mass for Anointing of the Sick quarterly. Prayer from prayer teams is offered monthly after select Masses.
When We Meet: Monthly or as scheduled.
Purpose: To provide comfort to those suffering by making handmade shawls.
Ministry: We prayerfully knit/crochet shawls, which are blessed by Fr. Donnelly, gift-wrapped, and delivered to those in need of comfort. Names are recorded, and prayers are offered at each meeting.
When We Meet: Thursday evenings from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Purpose: To enrich the worship experience at Mass through guitar music.
Ministry: We provide music with guitars to enhance the Mass and other services as well as church functions.
When We Meet: Practices are held Wednesdays from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, September through May.
Purpose: To visit the homebound and nursing homes.
Ministry: To spread the Word of God and reach out to the homebound.
When We Meet:
1st Thursday of the month at 10 AM Mass - Madison Health Care
2nd Thursday of the month at 11 AM Mass - Cardinal Woods
4th Thursday of the month at 11 AM Mass - Lateran
1st Fridays of the month for Communion by the Deacons and Priest
Weekly Communion to the nursing homes.
Purpose: To study the books of the Bible and their relationship to church teaching.
Ministry: To teach Divine Revelation and Sacred Scripture within the context of the Catholic Church's teaching.
When We Meet: Mondays at 7 PM via Zoom. Call the parish office for the ID.
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass)
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am and 11:30am
Weekdays: 8:30am, Monday, Wednesday & Friday -
7:00pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Saturday: 3:00-4:00pm and 7:30pm—8:00pm
Sunday: 9:15—9:45am
Come, Pray the Rosary with us:
8 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday in Church.