Listening to the Lord
After Jesus appeared on Mt. Tabor, transfigured (radiant in glory), God the Father’s voice was heard: “This is my Beloved Son. Listen to Him”. How do we listen to the Lord? By paying attention to what He is trying to tell us. How do we pay attention to God? (We can't see Him, nor do we hear anything as we might hear another person.)
The first condition for listening to God is silence. We must quiet down. Without interior silence, it will be difficult to hear what the Lord is trying to tell us. Silence leads to prayer. (Mother Teresa would add
that silence also leads to peace, love, service….)
He speaks to us through prayer. Anyone who has excelled in the service of God is a person of prayer. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that everyone who does things for the Church is necessarily prayerful (some people just like to be busy). Prayer opens people to God. A prayerful person is in touch with God, in a way that a non-prayerful person is not. God is present to the person. I'm not merely present to God. He's present to me.
Do we pray each day? How long? What form of prayer? The recent letter from our bishop urges everyone to pray at least 15 minutes each day. If you do so, faithfully, you will hear God: not with your ears, but in your heart. Hearing God does not necessarily come during the prayer time (although it could). Often, it comes outside of prayer-time when a person reflects on his life.
God speaks to us through His word. St. Paul says that faith comes through hearing. This is true enough. Hearing means receiving the word of God into the heart and letting it become part of us. The season of Lent is a good opportunity to start preparing for Mass by reading the Scripture passages. Then, at Mass, you will hear them proclaimed. They will not sound unfamiliar or strange to a person who has prepared to listen. As a result, when we hear the readings at Mass, they will more likely "sink in". The Lord speaks to people through the texts of the Mass and through homilies. St. Charles Borromeo even had a speech impediment, but people listened to him when he gave homilies and profited much.
Pray every day. If you have not been, please start. Give this time to the Lord. Pay Him undivided attention. Over time, you will notice a difference in your life. You will be more “connected” with the Lord. You will receive new inspirations and be strengthened in your faith. May you have a blessed Lent.